Mormon Founder Betrayed By Mormons

I found the following amazon book review insightful by a user named Brady for the book A Man Without Doubt by Denver Snuffer:

Mormon Founder Betrayed By Mormons, July 5, 2016
Forget everything you’ve ever heard about Joseph Smith and consider this unique view of his life and teachings. In this book, the author paints a very different picture of Joseph Smith. So different in fact, that this book would be considered heresy by the LDS Church and almost all Mormons who value Joseph’s ministry. The irony continues, however, when one considers the premise of the book: that Joseph Smith was a principled Christian who tried to teach others how to have saving faith in Christ (i.e., the kind of faith that leads to knowledge, the ministry of angels, the signs of the Holy Ghost, and speaking with God face to face).

If you’re a Christian who has reservations about Mormonism, don’t let those reservations prevent you from hearing a summary of Joseph’s message as outlined in this book. It is surprising to consider that Joseph fought against the voices who today have tried to monopolize his legacy.